motivational monday


Let me just start off this post by saying Gordon B Hinckley is THE man.
He is hands down one of my favorite people to have ever walked the earth.
I mean LOOK at him! Ah he is just the sweetest. I miss him each and every day.
(for those of you who do not know him, he was the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints while I was growing up. Google him, read about his life, memorize his quotes.. trust me. He’s one unbelievable person)
One of my absolute favorite quotes he has ever said was….
I heard that quote while I was in a church meeting yesterday and it couldn’t have been more needed for me at that moment!
This past week I always felt like I was stressing about the future.
I found myself constantly sitting there thinking about……..
  • how long it will be Will and I to be able to have a home of our own one day
  • how many years of school Will has ahead of him
  • the thousands of dollars of student debt we are going to be under in a hot second
  • the years ahead i have being the sole bread winner
  • the restless nights i will have alone with the (future) kids while Will is gone at the hospital/at school
Ridiculous right?
It was so wrong of me to do this.
Because RIGHT NOW is what is beautiful.
I need to be more grateful for my now!
I can’t keep on looking to the future hoping for this to happen or that to happen. This is unfair to all of the wonderful blessings I have right now. 
I need to stop looking to the future because one day I will look back on these simple times and miss these days!
I will miss the me & Will time. The time we freak out about having to buy new tires. The time we go to City Creek with the sole intention of buying Will new clothes and leaving empty handed just laughing our heads off that we couldn’t justify buying anything. The time we turn off our heat in the mornings when we leave for work to save a dime where we can.
It really is all exciting when you let it be!
So my new goal for me and you guys today is gonna have to be…
p.s. you guys probably thought i was probably kidding when i said i was going to post these every Monday. apologies if you thought i was. these help me more than anyone! haha.