

it’s national sibling day!
if you know me, you know i love these made-up holidays.
i’m all about them.

so here’s a little tribute to them!

first we have eliza loo.

eliza is my twin and role model.
she danced. i danced.
she went to byu. i went to byu.
 she was on cougarettes.
 i was on cougarettes.
she wanted to run a half marathon.
 i ran a half marathon with her.
 she loves food.
 i love food.
it just works, ya know?
i loved living in provo and have everyone refer to me as “eliza’s little sister”.
that was a title i will always be proud of!
she is the best wife and i love having josh as my new sibling!josh is one of the most intelligent people i know and is a perfect fit in the diederch fam!
will loves having josh as a brother-in-law 

secondly is none other than THE isabella diederich.
THE bella in berlin.
what life would be like to be isabelle…
bella is quite possibly the most talented writer and genuinely gifted person i know.
being born only 17 months apart, we have had a unique opportunity to be in the same groups of friends all growing up and i feel forever blessed by that.
to have a best friend and sister in the same group of friends?
what more could a girl want.
she has a special gift with handicapped people and is that person that goes out of her way to be friendly to the people that need it most.
she is that sister that knocks on my door at 8:33 a.m. to hand me a fresh donut from the store across the street.i think i’ll keep her! 

next up! mitchy mitch.
don’t you love those people who are younger than you yet you still look up to them a ton?
that’s mitchell for you.
he is a senior in high school at olympus high yet he isn’t afraid to go hug my mom at a basketball game in front of his whole school, he isn’t afraid to stand up in seminary and bare his testimony, and he isn’t afraid to be himself and not change that for anyone.
he is so sensitive and loving regardless of his age.
we keep on waiting for his teenage years to come where he is a little punk but it hasn’t quite come yet..
and peru here he comes! august 12th.i’m gonna be a biiiig wreck when he leaves so mark your calendars if you want to come over and watch movie comedies with me and eat ice cream tub by tub. 

last but not least, meet jensen.
the funniest  boy in the world.
the boy who we still call baby j.
the boy who wore nike socks to my wedding…..
jensen is everyone’s favorite boy. he is the first to make light of any situation, crack a joke and will never ever ever get mad at anyone.
i’m serious!
he gets sad.. but NEVER mad.
i love that boy than words can say.
if you want to see the cutest munchkin in all the land come to olympus jr. high’s production of wizard of oz.
that boy can sing and act like no other.so here’s to the best group of siblings a girl could ask for. 

happy made up holiday!