

i am in huge denial that the summer season is changing into Fall. don’t get me wrong, i am excited for Fall! but i just CAN’T believe that those summer months zoomed by so quickly!
maybe it has to do with the fact that i went to the pool only once.
working full time from 9-5 everyday will do that to you i guess…
ready for an overload of pictures?
ready, set, go.
my best friend and neighbor Will went to serve his mission in Kiev, Ukraine a month ago. his last wishes were to go skydiving so i very willingly obliged.
it was my second time going so they let me do so much by myself! we did a backflip out of the plane, i had an altitude watch so i would look at the altitude and pull the chute and everything.
my idea of fun right there.


i went to visit Willie his last month in Wyoming. we found THE cutest breakfast diner one morning and it was actually one of the best breakfasts i have ever had.
way to surprise me, Wyoming.


annual family California trip!



i went to my first Dodgers game and it’s safe to say i am a big fan now.
i even bought a Dodgers foam finger key chain but am strongly considering getting rid of it after Miley Cyrus’s VMA performance.
ya little skeez.


if you know me, you know i am OBSESSED with donuts.
i don’t understand people that don’t like donuts.
a maple bar can cure anything.
crystal cove, california
my mornings consisted on jogs on the beach with my sissy and dad.


the newport beach donut kingdom


we took balboa by boat one day which was something different and i loved it
i was drooling looking at the gorgeous, quaint homes on the water.


i flew home from California thursday to celebrate my girl Tay’s bachelorette party.


our campfire up milcreek got a little interesting…
and the next day i graduated from college!
i could write a whole blog post on how i did it in 3 years.
it truly wasn’t that hard!


i just figured out little tricks that i knew would get me out of there in no time.
it’s funny because looking back, i am already sad i am graduated.
i met so many amazing people in college. so many people that molded me into the person i am today and the person i have always wanted to become.
we celebrated my 21st on the 21st and he sure did treat me like a princess.
went on a morning trail run with me
took me to get a giant DC and maple bar
took me to anthropologie
and that night took me to Fleming’s at gateway.


my mom: “i have a surprise for you! i bought you your favorite cake!”
me: “oh!….. whaaat cake??”
mom: “your FAVORITE, duh! the one from your favorite restaurant!”
me: “market street?”
mom: “yes!”
me: “oh… ya… thanks mom!!”
ya…… it’s definitely my sisters favorite cake and not mine.
i actually hate cake.
hahahaha shhhhh.


ya ya ya i know my roots are horrific.
spacing it out for the wedding, okay?
bring it on, fall.