

some people have birthdays….
some people have birth WEEKS.
this was definitely a birth WEEK.
i would like to say it started on sunday after this boy gave the most amazing homecoming talk i have ever heard.
 then on monday he came down to provo and asked what i wanted to do for our birthday date. i told him i wanted to show him my favorite place in the world which is Provo Canyon. we drove up and started walking around and along our walk i saw a cute picnic. when he asked me to sit down i was confused because it wasn’t ours. but sure enough he had it all set up for us! thanks karli and riss 🙂
on my birthday we had cougar kick-off. so Will got to see me dance for his first time!!
 then we went to happy sumo and got a little bored at blickenstaff’s while waiting for our table….
 then on Wednesday my friends planned a joint birthday party for Brookie and i at none other than Texas Roadhouse. some people make fun of me for having this as my favorite restaurant… try a roll and then talk to me.















love all these people and loved my birth week!!
i am glad to be alive 🙂