


Let’s chat about photography! I know I did a post on this a couple of years ago but thought it was time for a little refresh.

I always like to start these posts reminding you that I am NOT a professional by any means but if you can’t tell, I LOVE taking pictures and have learned a lot these past couple of years by shooting on different cameras and taking pictures almost every single day.

Current DSLR

For the past 2 years, I have been shooting with a Canon R6 and have been switching out the lenses but I am currently using a Canon RF 50 mm lens and have been LOVING this combo. Taking Tim Coulson’s photography workshops has really helped me understand my DSLR camera as well as a lot of practice and playing around with the settings. One thing I have been doing lately is playing with the White Balance setting (Kelvin!) and it’s made my pictures so warm and I don’t even need to edit them anymore!

Fujifilm Film Camera


If you remember, a couple of weeks ago we went to California and I brought my Fujifilm 100v Camera to play with and oh my goodness I loved it! Think of it as an easy way to shoot with film without as much as a learning curve and not having to develop the film etc. The pictures turned out so beautiful and I LOVED the film effect. It already has built-in presets on the camera and you don’t even need to edit or tweak the photos (unless you want to) but I did not edit one of them and loved how every single one turned out.

Disposable Camera

I’ve also really been loving using disposable cameras again! I love the way the photos look and once again, zero editing is required which is so great if you don’t love editing photos! I buy my disposable cameras here and get them developed locally (at Nichol’s Print Lab). They send them digitally as well which so many photo labs have started to do. Just contact some photography businesses in your area and see if they have a digital option while developing disposables.

My Daughter’s Camera

My daughter has been using this camera from Amazon for several years and LOVED it but recently she’s been using a Canon Powershot camera. It was Will’s old camera he took on his church service mission 12 years ago (!!!) and still works great. Here is the same one on Amazon but honestly, I feel like this cheaper option could work great?!

To get the photos off of Penny’s camera, I plug this into my phone.

Kodak Ektar

Back in January, I purchased my first Kodak Ektar camera and I have been having so much fun with it. I have really wanted to get into more film photography but am a little nervous to take the plunge. When someone shared about this camera, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for right now. It is a half-frame film camera. You don’t need a light meter but you will need to get the photos developed. I explain it as almost like a reusable disposable camera if you will. I love the look of the photos! Make sure you use the flash pretty much at all times. It is a cheaper camera.. so just a heads up that they do break but for a $40 price point, it’s a great option if you want your photos to have a film feel. Make sure you also put your film in the fridge if you don’t plan on using it for a while!

How I Edit My Photos

This is where you’ll really know I’m not a professional because I don’t use Lightroom to edit my photos.. I have recently loved learning the settings on my camera to the point where I shoot my photos exactly how I like them (adjusting the warmth etc.) all within the camera so I hardly even edit my photos anymore. But when I do need to edit, I use VSCO! I have a couple of favorite filters that I love (I love the A series and the E series the most)

How I Print My Photos

With my disposable camera pictures, I develop them at Nichol’s Photo Lab (if you’re in SLC). If you’re not, just google photo stores and I’m sure you have a great local option.

For my Kodak Ektar, I develop them at Essential Photo Supply in SLC.

If I ever want to print any photos at home (which I highly suggest!!!), I use this Kodak 4×6 printer.

I hope that answers most of your questions! If I missed anything feel free to ask me below!
