bear lake


This week we ventured up North in search of some better snow.
We went up to my cabin in Bear Lake and skied at Beaver Mountain all day Saturday! Luckily it snowed 5+ inches Friday night so we were in for some great skiing all together as friends.
I forgot how much I love Beaver Mountain. It is where I first learned how to ski! It is such a fun local resort and huge PLUS… no lines to wait in!
Gotta get the road trip snacks of course before we head up….








Sarah & Pete..  one of the greatest people alive. They are going to do Teach for America in Arizona this summer! So proud of them that they were accepted.



It’s kind of funny because Bear Lake this time of year is a complete GHOST TOWN. Since most people only go up there to be on the lake in the summer, the winters are pretty much dead as can be.
 Even all the shake shops/restaurants are shut down! But luckily my favorite restaurant is literally the only one open this time of year! Cafe Sabor. Will and I always share the huuuge burrito and stuff our mouths with the chips + salsa.



I can’t get over how much I love this place!!!




We are definitely making this an annual ski trip.
So see you next year Beaver Mountain!