

Sometimes I have this inner debate with blogging.
A part of me says, “Why am I posting pictures on a website that people can see? Why the heck do they care about my regular ol’ life?”
and the other part of me remembers that I initially started my blog because I am the one that cared!!
 I love taking pictures and love posting them and love the idea of always have an online journal.
But the other day I started laughing when I was looking at my Instagram feed/grid or whatever. It literally is always either a picture of me with Will, flowers, or kids I love HAHAHAH. I need to branch out!
So if I ever go MIA for a while and you wonder what’s up……. Just know I am probably doing my regular old routine…..
working one of my jobs
driving to one of my jobs
hanging with Will
watching Parenthood (my newest Netflix show!)
killing spiders around our place
on walks with my friends
eating food
attempting recipes that usually fail the first time
babysitting kiddies
hanging with the fam
driving to get good Diet Cokes
going on a run
orrrr……. taking pictures of flowers, cool floors, or colorful walls.
Haha! That really is what my life consists of daily I swear. I NEED TO MIX IT UP!
So yes, down below you will see those following things lol.


We babysat the babies a couple weeks ago and LOVED it.
They keep us busy as ever but we enjoy being temporary parents.


We chatted with Mitch on Mothers Day and it was the BEEEST!
Anyone who has a missionary out knows that Mother’s Day brings on a whole new meaning when you get to talk to a sibling, friend, or lover 🙂
(except I never talked to Will on the phone or via Skype the entire 2 years! Crazy huh?)
And another weekend we babysat some other kiddies who we absolutely ADORE!
She really is my BFF.

On Saturday night she asked me if I wanted to wear a matching donut shirt, do our hair in twinner braids, and go get donuts at 7-11.
I couldn’t say yes fast enough.


And happy news that my friend Sarah is my new work buddy for the next 2 months!
It is theeeee best having her around.
And a carpool buddy.
And on Friday, Will FINALLY completed the MCAT!
The night before the big test we came home from doing our laundry at Will’s parents when we found a Cheesecake on our porch with Good Luck balloons from some friends in our neighborhood.
So thoughtful!!
I am so dang proud of him and all he put into studying for that.
He studied at our church building or the local library every single day since January 1st!
Now we wait 6 weeks to hear his score ….. … not cool.
He may apply for the one in August to take it again to be safe.
But for now I am enjoying having a husband again 😉
We celebrated at Market Street
(I may or may not have won a gift card on an Instagram giveaway hahaha SCORE)


Ohhh excuuuuuuuse me.
Not intentional posing I swear.
He’s going to kill me for posting this but heart eyes alllll day for this one.


And that’s a wrap of blurry pixelated photos that Blogger won’t fix for the life of me no matter what coding I put in. HAHAH.
Over it.
Hope everyone has the HAPPIEST Memorial Day remembering those dear to you.
xx, liv.