

Yesterday morning I went on a walk and felt some frustration towards myself regarding commitments I haven’t kept lately.
Normally on Sunday nights, I write down a list of goals in my phone or on a pad of paper that I want to achieve that next week.
These goals can range from who I want to call and catch up with.. to simply reading an Ensign talk.. to financial goals.. to significantly lowering the time I spend online.
I always feel good about the goals I set on Sunday nights but when I look back on the week I suddenly realize I hardly committed to achieving any of them.
While thinking on my walk I brainstormed different ways I can actually commit to these goals.
From now on I am now going to…
1. Tell Will about my goals so that he can hold me accountable to them
2. Write my goals on a piece of paper and take it with me in my bag everywhere I go so I can reflect on them more often
3. Do a mid-week check in on Wednesday nights to see how I’ve done so far.
Let’s see how this goes!
How do you commit to goals that you’ve set?