

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a month since we’ve been in our new place!
Moving out of the cottage was definitely bittersweet but we are loving having a bigger space but guess what… the spiders have followed us!!
Dead serious.
Bigger spiders than before too.
But we are chillin.


And if you can’t tell by the post name–
no name yet!
Still thinkin hard about that one..


Obviously things are still trying to find their exact place around here but I took a couple quick pics the other day when I was home and thought I’d share.


My favorite part of our new place has to be the kitchen!
We finally have a dish washer that actually works AND we have enough space that we don’t have to use it as storage! Woot woot.










Can you tell that IKEA has been our BFF lately?
We are so excited to be here and are loving this new chapter in our lives.
Since my grandpa passed 2 weeks ago, I’ve been looking through his old photo journals often and have loved seeing each place he lived in throughout his lifetime.
Whether it be his first home in Ogden, his house in San Francisco where my mom lived, or his various homes in Utah- he has taken pictures of the inside & outside of all of them and I LOVED seeing them!
It’s great to see where my mom was raised, what the style was like etc.
I can’t wait to reflect back on these pictures one day and probably be like YUCK! My taste was horrid! Haha.
Until then, I sure am enjoying this lil place.
–Liv(also! closet sale ending tonight 9/8/15 at 8pm! @karlivcloset)