
Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

Fall in Utah this year has been truly UNBELIEVABLE. The weather has been so incredible and I feel like I was able to accomplish all the seasonal events I anticipated. This year for Halloween, we pulled off all our costumes in five minutes time without spending a dime so I’d deem it a success!

Friday evening we went to a party at our friend’s cabin up in Sundance. If you ever come to the area, make sure you mark Sundance on your to-see list. It has quickly become one of my favorite areas in Utah!

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

The forecast for Saturday morning looked so warm so I decided it was only logical we went on a morning hike. I can probably count on my fingers how many more days we have of warm(er) weather here so we are definitely soaking up every second we can.

Halloween 2016

If you follow me on Snapchat & Instagram you probably saw snaps of the Harry Potter party we went to Saturday evening (apologies for snapping every inch of that party, it was seriously so incredible)! Our friends throw it every year and this was the first year we were able to attend. All proceeds from the party went to charity and it was definitely a night to remember. They raised $4,000! The host posted the battle on his Instagram so you should check it out. And yes, those are roman candles ?

Halloween 2016

And on actual Halloween, we went out to see Luella go trick-or-treating. She was skeptical about the whole idea of knocking on other people’s doors by herself… but as soon as she saw the fact that she got free candy out of it, she was SOLD!

Halloween 2016
Halloween 2016

Previous to Halloween she traded off between wanting to be Elsa, a duck, and a dinosaur, but boy we are we thrilled she decided to go with the duck. Is she not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?!

Halloween 2016

Starting taking handfuls of candy at everyhouse sooooo…

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

And then we went to a friends party after Luella went down to bed. And yes… Will and I are each other.

Hope your Halloween was safe + wonderful!

Can you believe Thanksgiving is so soon??
