
COSTA RICA (part 1)

We arrived back from our vacation in Costa Rica yesterday and we’re already missing it so much.
I have been listening to a lot of business talks lately and one I loved was about how wonderful the work/life balance is. I learned that it is great to work hard.. but it is also great to play hard! So after a lot of hard work we decided a week in paradise with my family is just what the doctor ordered.


One of our favorite things to do in Costa Rica is go see the Manuel Antonio National Park. It is neat to see so many unique animals and learn a lot about the land of CR. Our guide used a telescope we could look into and then he took my iPhone and took pictures THROUGH the telescope. So we have some of the most amazing pictures you couldn’t get otherwise.
That frog above camouflages itself to any leaf it is on. You seriously COULD NOT see it with the human eye alone.
The beaches at Manuel Antonio are also absolutely gorgeous.


So if you ever in Costa Rica I highly recommend that National Park. But you better be on watch when you go to the beach.. because the raccoons come out and steal your stuff haha!
But for real, National Parks are legit.
I’m ashamed I haven’t been to all of them in Utah!
My dad got a killer deal on a day long excursion for all 10 of us on a boat owned by a guy he met in Jaco (kinda sketchy looking back and thinking about that…  ha). But we trusted him and went out on his boat to Tortuga Island. I seriously have never had a more fun day on vacation!
It combined all of my favorite things. Boating + snorkeling + swimming + fishing + eating + jumping off high things+being with my fam.


As we were going out we saw tons of dolphins swimming next to my boat. I am a sucker for those things. They’re sooooo cuteeeeee.


Side note– it sure is fun to be with my sisters and their husbands. My family has gotten so big in the last couple of years and I absolutely LOVE it. All the husbands get along great and YES my sister in the yellow suit did just have a baby.. so that’s super casual.
SPEAKING OF HER BABY. Luella stole the show the entire vacation.
Honestly having a niece is the BEST THING EVER. She was soooo much fun and I am tempted to make Will move in with me to Eliza & Josh’s house so we can be around her more haha.
She’s growing up so fast!
(if you have me on snapchat you will see I’m slightly obsessed)
“Mom.. I’m not so sure about this swimming thing..”
I mean how could you not love that dang face?!
Okay back to Tortuga…



After being on the island for 2 minutes we came across the most BEAUTIFUL parrots. I have never seen one up close and honestly they kind of scare me… haha do birds scare anyone else???
I feel like any second they are going to attack me!
But this Parrot “Lola” was nice.


The island itself is super neat. I kept on saying I SWEAR it is the same island from the Even Stevens Movie hahaha.  Looks identical!



Also, fishing was harder than you’d expect. Reeling in those big fish is a big ol’ workout!


Eliza had to hold back Isabelle from falling in hahahaha.


With 3 dancers there’s always a dance party going on… the captain thought we were ABSOLUTELY INSANE I swear.



Seriously the best fam I could ever ask for.


Another favorite memory was nights on the beach with Will. I can honestly say there’s nothing better than being on the beach when it’s all quiet and serene. We love to just sit and talk about EVERYTHING. From our future to our past to the present. We love it. That’s the great thing about vacation! We get to TALK like we don’t at home. At home it’s always the hustle+bustle of LIFE but out there the only care in the world is where you are getting your next meal.. (or is that just me hahaha)


The sweatshirts above are from Mako Brand. My friends from BYU started the line of clothing and we’re basically obsessed. If you love supporting start up businesses like I do, go buy something and SUPPORT.
I ran out of time today but will post 1 more in a bit!
Until then,
xx liv.
(I put this because I usually always get e-mails or comments so this is easier)
Denim Romper-  Old Navy (I can’t find it online but it was in stores last week!)
My floral hat- Urban Outfitters
Bella’s blue swimsuit- Anthropologie (2 years ago)
Bella’s black scalloped swimsuit- Victoria’s Secret
Bella’s denim shorts-  GAP
Eliza’s yellow swimsuit- Victoria’s Secret (similar)
My floral swimsuit- Albion Fit
Our  sweatshirts– Mako Brand
My necklace- T&T Shoppe