new years resolutions


For some reason I feel so excited this January.
I usually dread these next couple months but a part of me just seriously can’t wait to get things going. I just want to hopefully make some of my resolutions/goals come to life!
I have been in bed the last couple of days and have had a LOT of thinking time by myself.
Thinking about friends in my life, friends that are now unfortunately out of my life, thinking about if I want to keep up blogging, thinking about how I could live more in the moment, thinking of how I wish I could do more yoga, thinking of how I can serve Will more and strengthen our marriage, thinking of how I could be more spiritual, thinking of how good real food sounded…..
LITERALLY thought of everything I swear.
At the end of my thoughts I decided the sum of them were…
And that is what I am so excited about.
Usually at the beginning of the year I think about things I want to DO that year.
But 2015 is going to be more for changing ME.
I am happy with who I am right now but I know I could be better in SO many ways.
I want to be more PATIENT, loving, kind-hearted, accepting, spiritual, and so many other things that would bore you to death if I told you my entire list.
So here is to resolutions and trying our hardest to keep with them.
As the year goes on it gets so easy to get complacent and fall back into our old ways. So write them down in your phone and check them weekly!
Who else has some good resolutions?
New Years Eve Banner from Anthropologie