family time


San Diego Temple

Last week was spent with Will’s family on the DISNEY CRUISE!

Will’s mom is an incredible artist (see @jenibeemarket) and spends almost everything she earns on her children. Luckily, even though I married into the family, she still treats me like I’m one of her own.

For almost two years now, she’s had this cruise planned and we were all so excited the day finally came.

San Diego Temple

The ship left out of the San Diego port so we drove to California early Saturday morning, watched the Utah football game in our hotel room w/ some Chipotle Saturday night, attended church on Sunday, saw the San Diego temple, then boarded the ship!

I’ve ALWAYS wanted to see the San Diego temple so I was happy as a clam!

It was more perfect in person than I could’ve ever imagined.


I’ve only been on the Disney Cruise when it left out of Florida so boarding the ship right in San Diego was perfect for us Utah folk.

It’s funny because growing up I was never nervous to go on a cruise but now as adult I was a little frightened I’m not going to lie.. Luckily, I had a good book to distract my thoughts if I was ever stressing a little bit.


No words can truly describe how grateful I am for Jeni and the type of Mother-in-law she is to me.

She is always so thoughtful, spontaneous, selfless and I love how much she loves DISNEY!

One night, we left the musical on the ship and she was standing there handing us clues for a SCAVENGER HUNT. We were split up in teams and were literally running ALL over the ship trying to find her clues. Even the staff was loving it! They were all helping us and we were huffing and puffing trying to beat the other team haha.

Disney Cruise 2015

Shuffleboard for the win!

Disney Cruise 2015 IMG_6636

It was definitely interesting being on the cruise ship as an adult vs. being on as a little kid.

When I was little, I literally had to be pulled away from that yellow slide. But as an adult it was SO nice to avoid all the crowds, read my book in peace, grab an ice cream cone or fresh fruit WHENEVER I wanted to, go see a movie at 3pm and then another one at 10pm and just CHILL OUT.

Much needed for sure!

ice cream

Our first stop on the cruise ship was Ensenada, Mexico.

There wasn’t much to do in Ensenada… so after we mooched off Starbucks for some wifi we grabbed an Oreo cone from Mcdonalds and headed back onto the cruise ships because… free food!

Disney Cruise 2015

One night while on the ship, Will and I went to the 4th floor which had a walking track around the perimeter of the ship.

We started talking about our future which quickly turned into me feeling SO overwhelmed about what we have ahead of us. I’ve never been in debt and love saving money so the fact we’ll be pulling out huge loans soon for school leaves me completely stressed. It’s also tough to think about when we want to have kids, how many we want, if it’s okay I continue working throughout motherhood etc etc.

I started tearing up and panicking a little bit.

Luckily, Will was so calm and reassured me that we just needed to take life one day at a time. Life takes it’s own course no matter what so even if we planned things out there’s a great chance those plans could change.

I’m grateful for Will and his sensibility to always say what I need to hear.

I’m nervous for the future but I know that together we can do hard things.

Disney Cruise 2015

Outfit details:

Floral dress: ROOLEE

Floral hat: Vooray

Will’s gray hat: Vooray

Grey coverup dress: can’t remember for the life of me

Forrest green romper: Eva Jo Rompers!

(another post coming soon when I have more time!)

Disney Cruise 2015